Geo-Semantics: Towards a new Terrestrial Idiom

The heightening of the ecological crisis in recent decades has not only reshaped the global political agenda but has also triggered new terrestrial vocabularies aiming to address the entanglements between human and non-human agencies. The recent “turn towards the Earth” (Latour and Weibel 2020) demands shifting the globalized gaze towards local engagements with the soil and the different communitary and multispecies forms to inhabit and transform it. 

Geo-semantics encompasses a series of scholarly encounters and collaborations that aim to develop a new critical apparatus addressing the geological aesthetics in  the Global South. We are concerned with dynamizing collective and multimedia archives that connect the critical zone’s cross-disciplinary approach with the interwoven political, social, and embodied experiences in different areas: How are the arts mediating the fossil subjectivities of the Capitalocene? What are the implications of the geological turn in contexts of colonialism, intense extractivism, and necropolitics?

Events and materials related

Special Cluster:

“GeoSemantics. Inhuman Becomings and Earthly Memories in the Global South”.

ASAP/J, 2023. Co-edited with Azucena Castro

Learn more

Invited Talk:

“Poéticas del vestigio: arte y catástrofe después de Mariana”.

Conference Series “Sur” at the Humboldt University, Berlin (27th June 2023)

Listen to the podcast here

Invited talk/ conversation with Azucena Castro on:

“Geo-escrituras”. Online Platform Humanidades Ambientales.

Video here.

Book Chapter:

«Vestigios del futuro: vías para pensar un arte terrestre desde América Latina». In: Jörg Dünne & Jenny Haase,

Pensar y escribir la tierra. Reflexiones sobre lo terrestre en las literaturas y artes latinoamericanas.

Madrid: Iberoamericana Vervuert

Learn more


“Abrir las heridas. Gerber, Meruane y Mendieta: geoescrituras de un planeta enfermo”.

Revista Letral, nº 25, 2021.

Learn more